How long has Keith Brandt been a real estate agent?
Are the realtors at Brandt Real Estate full-time or part-time?
When shopping for property, would it be you, Keith Brandt, that we would be working with or a team member?
How many buyers are you working with currently?
How available are you to show houses when ones come up?
Do you have experience with my area?
Do Brandt Real Estate realtors go to the property inspections?
Do you require the pre-approval before showing houses?
It is not required but strongly recommended. It is to the buyer’s benefit. It seems to never fail, a buyer finds a home they like on a Saturday afternoon and they want to place an offer on the property. It is normal for a Listing Agent and or seller to want to know a buyer’s qualifications before negotiating and/or accepting an offer. And, the best way to do this is to provide a preapproval. It’s in the buyer’s best interest to have a basic understanding of what they can afford and the type of mortgage that best fits them. Because of this, Brandt Real Estate works with the best lenders and we encourage our buyers to at least make an initial call to get a better understanding of their borrowing options.
Do you need a reliable lender? Contact us for a lender that best fits your need. Whether loans for residential, land, new construction, farm, commercial, etc, we have a lender to meet every need.
What is the average number of homes you show buyers?
Today’s market has a limited inventory, so our typical buyer will look at 4 to 20 houses. In the distant past, it was common for a buyer to look at 40 to 70 houses. Regardless of the number of houses a buyer chooses to see, all of our buyers are highly confident and very comfortable in their buying decision. This is made possible by taking the time to educate and inform our buyers through our low-pressure approach viewing process.
What price range for homes does Brandt Real Estate work within?
$19,000 to $4,790,000 based on customers over the last two years. Looking at our 15 plus year history, our average property sale is at $287,000. While we cover a wide price range, it really depends on our customers and what they are looking to accomplish. We have helped home buyers purchase a $400,000 then turn around and help the same buyer purchase a $900,000 commercial building. And, we have helped people buy/sell multi-million dollar homes, that also end up purchasing investment properties for $50,000 and less. We pride ourselves on being well rounded and having the willingness and ability to assist our customers for all their real estate needs. Our business model is relationship based.